Weight Loss Healthy Diet Plan

With this diet plan, weight will be reduced in 7 days, know the diet chart of the day.

Diet For Weight Loss: Along with exercise, diet is also important for weight loss. If you want, you can lose weight in a week just by diet. We are telling you the easiest and effective diet plan for weight loss.

How Can I Lose Weight In 7 Days At Home: Losing weight has become very difficult these days. Physical activity has reduced and unhealthy things have been included in food and drink. In such a situation, obesity is increasing rapidly. After having a child, women gain weight rapidly and lose it with great difficulty. Just doing exercise is not enough to lose weight. For this you should also take proper diet. Weight can also be reduced by eating healthy for a long time. 70 percent healthy diet is important in weight loss. If you want, you can lose weight only through diet. Let us know what is the most effective diet plan for weight loss?

Morning Water- You have to start the day with water. Instead of normal water, drink fenugreek water one day and celery water the other day. For this, soak 1 teaspoon celery and fenugreek seeds in 1 glass of water overnight. In the morning, lukewarm it, filter it and drink this water.

After half an hour- You have to eat 4-5 soaked almonds around 7.30 to 8 or half an hour after drinking detox water.

Breakfast- To lose weight, you can eat a sandwich made of 2 brown breads for breakfast. You can eat vegetable cheela any day. Your breakfast should be between 8:30 am. You can eat 2 idlis or 2 plain wheat vegetable cheela dal and chutney. You can also take any seasonal fruits or vegetables.

Mid meal- During this time you can drink 1 glass of buttermilk around 11 o’clock. If you cannot drink buttermilk, you can eat 100 grams of papaya or watermelon.

Lunch- You have to have lunch around 1.30. You can have ragi idli and sambar in lunch. Include added bran roti, oats upma and vegetables. You can have 2 rotis, mixed vegetables and half a cup of pulses a day. Some days you can have oats upma, green vegetables, salad and curd.

Post Lunch- After lunch, drink a green tea at around 4 pm. This reduces cholesterol and helps in weight loss. Do not add sugar to green tea.

Dinner- You have to keep dinner very light. You should have dinner between 7.30 and 8 o’clock. You can eat brown rice and vegetables for dinner. You can eat moong dal khichdi. You can make roti by mixing quinoa and vegetables and eat it. If you stay awake till late then drink 1/2 glass of turmeric milk before sleeping.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the method, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these as suggestions only. Before following any such treatment/medicine/diet, please consult a doctor.

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